Printable, Non-printable, 
& Dyed-Cut Vinyl Stickers 

Customized design stickers are versatile or there is a wide variety of uses for unifying your brand,creating unique promotional materials, or tailoring to your personal needs. Large format to dye or contour cut imaging.
There is clear and white vinyl. Clear vinyls are usually being printed in reverse format (mirrored) depending on where it will be applied. White Vinyls is composed of two materials such as Matte Sticker and  Glossy Sticker that is printable and there is also non-printable.

Picture Credits to Supreme Ads & Signs

Process of Installation

Some of us wants to install stickers on our own but on the other hand there may be no good results especially for the beginners. We fail to install it perfectly. The result? There is bubbles, wrinkled part, or then misaligned. 

Do you want to learn how?

There are two basic procedures in installation, first is the wet application not just for the beginners but also professionals do adhere to this depending on the area where it is to be installed. You will have to put an ounce of shampoo or liquid soap in a spray bottle with the clean cloth, masking tape/ or transfer tape, squeegee, cutter, scissor, and the heat gun. 

The second procedure is dry application and this is usually being done by professionals using a squeegee, clean cloth, masking/ or transfer tape, cutting tool. 

Leveling bar is also being used to make the installation perfect.

Contour cut designed or dyed cut is being called Decals. Ever heard of that? But they are all Vinyls. So don't be confused with the terms.

When buying, ordering, purchasing your sticker make sure you ask the vendor where it is to be applied. Is that right? Make things clear that if it is going to be installed outside, you must buy a sticker for Outdoor. And if it is inside your home, office, or vehicle. It's Indoor.

There are lots and lots of stickers which are not yet shared in this article especially for the nonprintable. And all you need to do is ask for a sample or proofing cause there is available color swatch that will be presented to you by the vendor. Ask the vendor and magically he will present it to you. These pictures below is just a sample, there lots of available colors depending on the supplier and the supplies availability.

You may wonder what's the difference between the Matte and Glossy. A glossy finish shines, reflecting light well. Matte-finish photos reflect less light and are easier to view in bright conditions. 

Translucent/ Clear Sticker  


Diffused/ Opaque Sticker  


Perforated Sticker 

                                                                    Frosted Sticker Nonprintable


Printable Frosted Sticker

Sample of Metallic Stickers


Sample of Label Stickers


Glow in the Dark Stickers     

Decal Stickers 


Reflectorized Sticker

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Printable, Non-printable, & Dyed-Cut Vinyl Stickers